This is a very good card, and mostly because it is an artifact when it is a creature. I know plenty of people in the world are drooling over this and what they can do with it with the new Tezzeret card. One of the nicer man-lands in awhile.
Artwork-awesome (that is one creepy-ass forest)

This card is certainly interesting. I like it, and then I don't. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon for this land right away as I think it has some potential drawbacks that make it less useful. However played at the right times it can be game changing.
Artwork-awesome. (I love the breakness of it)

Timmy's of the world rejoice. This card is for you. Seriously. This card is going to be abused by counter-generators and proliferating, infinite mana and voltaic keys and crap. Overall I think that the card has some niche potential, and some ability to be abused on a limited set of factors.
Artwork-kind of awesome (though the titan being forged looks a little lame)

This card seriously shits out the thopters. This plus Tezzeret equals ridiculous victories. I don't like this card. I will shatterstorm...I mean creeping corrosion the hell out of it. Overall it is a powerful card and will be used with Tezz.
Artwork-lame (who thought up the color scheme on this?)

Ah good. Another Pro green sword, but now with Pro Black.
MY favorite! The discarding bit seems nice, but getting to untap all lands! That is the really nice part. I almost like this sword a little bit more than the body and mind counterpart. Overall, they both scare me and I want to destroy them when I see them in play.
Artwork-ok. (I mean...it's just a flaming sword with weird colors.)

This card wrecks. This card and bouncy goodness, such as Venser are completely insane. I would like to abuse that please.
Artwork-killer bones. (Get it?)

I can't believe this is a card. It's like a living Leyline of Anticipation for artifacts, which is really good. Overall...I will kill a card like this on sight.
Artwork-weird and good (I don't know why it took two people to create it though..)

The power and toughness is certainly secondary to the "each opponent loses 1 life" when drawing a card. Infinite draw combo time. ...just not in standard.
Artwork-odd (Mars Attacks?)

Living Pithing Needle. Need I say more?
Artwork-lame! (it looks more like a dune buggy than a creature.)

Imprint can be good. This card has a lot of potential, but it has some downside too. Decks will have to focus around this card to make it good, which could cost a deck. Sometimes cards seem good but in playing them they fall short. I believe this to be a card in the latter category. Overall I think it has potential, but it will take a while before it is fully untapped.
Artwork-kind of cool. (typical Myr artwork, not too exciting)

I just don't think this card will see a lot of play. It seems ok, but 5 to cast. What Myr card is
so good that we need to tutor for it?
Artwork-laughable. (moving on)

This card is sick.
Artwork-a little strange and boring.

I just don't think this card has a lot of potential to be as good as the designers hoped it would be. It seems a little too gimmicky and to play it, a deck needs to be focused on artifact destruction. I don't think that seems wise.
Artwork-cool and lame simultaneously?? yes.

A mysterious card with vast powers, and untapped truths. I want to play this card so terribly, but I'm scared at what I may learn.
Artwork-freaking awesome.

This card is wicked. Poison, mill and direct damage all at the same time? Seriously? I would have been fine with just the milling and direct damage. The poison just seems overboard. Overall I think it has some niche market in decks.
Artwork-striking but not too cool. (purple webs are a little lame.)

It seems like there are better ways of doing indestructibility. Though I suppose this is just one more option. Good equipment cards are so hard to come by.
Artwork-lame (how do I draw armor that looks indestructible? Oh I know...I'll just draw little floating lights around it. That should get the point across.)

These living weapons are not too impressive. Though this one does have a nice ability for it's equipped bonus. Kind of like the equipment version of a Lhurgoyf card.

Well at least there is a reason to build decks around Shape Anew now.
Artwork-silly. (seriously? what the hell does his left arm do anyway?)
That's all of the rares. Not too shabby for a smaller set. Some good additions to the standard mix, and I'm pretty sure the Timmy, Johnny and Spike in all of us have been satiated.
So what exactly are the best five cards of the set?
Blight steel picture reminds me of Eric Darpel
ReplyDeleteI hope he never sees this.