A card like this can be abused, and it likely will. This card has the potential to put some pretty wicked things into play at a fraction of what it takes to cast them normally. The 1UU casting cost is a deal, but in order for a card like this to succeed a deck has to be heavily tuned around this card to make sure it draws into something useful, other you just paid 3 mana to put a land into play, which is not terrible, it simply just under-abuses the card's power. Overall I think that some type of rogue deck will come along playing this card and abusing it to get ridiculous creatures or enchantments into play, otherwise it is going to be a card that many people ponder while scratching their heads and wondering how they would use it.
Artwork-Weird. (I don't even really know what I'm suppose to be looking at.)

This is an interesting card. I cannot help but to think that this card is less clever, and more funny. It does not seem to have any particular uses other than hopefully getting to draw three cards or tricking your opponent into giving you a card you want. I think most people would just allow the tutor to happen and not allow the card draw, unless the game was already in control. Overall I am not impressed with the card, but it has its comedic upside.
Artwork=kinda lame. (seriously. The guy is just having a headache. And some old hippy has come to him in a pain-induced vision.)

A card like this will get played. A card like this will get abused, and a card like this will be used in many formats for quite awhile. It has some drawbacks, like its inability to trigger ETB (enter the battlefield) effects when it copies, but it is nice to be able to keep changing into things depending on the need. Overall I think it is a solid card. Surely will be seeing some play time in decks focused on one type of a particular creature.

So this card is ridiculous. I can only imagine decks with this and temple bell, howling mine, font of mythos. Good thing it is a mythic rare and the casting cost is hefty. It's still ridiculous.
Artwork=awful, and ugly.

Blue Sun's Zenith is powerful, though maybe slightly less powerful than previously known Mind Spring or many other draw cards, it certainly makes Blue players think twice about it before passing up on it. Looking at the pool of cards in standard there are not that many cards to work in conjunction with this card to make it as powerful as it could be, but there are some that would like to be in a deck together with it. The Psychosis Crawler is pretty much begging to be played with cards like this and Foresee. I'm not a fan of the xUUU casting cost, as it seems a little steep to make it competitive. Though, with a lot of cards that are currently in the Mirrodin Besieged there seems to be a slowing down happening. The cards are getting heavier casting costs for what it is that they are. Overall I think this card will be found in lots of niche casual decks, but not much else.
Artwork=Ok, but a little boring.