Wow. Tezzeret really looks like he has seen some better days in his existence. Though, his new abilities are by far, a lot better than his previous. His ultimate ability has some serious wrecking power to it. I don't know if I plan on using this card, but it is a card that will get used. Overall I am impressed with the design of the only planeswalker that was added to the mix. I think it has nice synergy with the block, more than previous planeswalkers, and I think it might be one of the better planeswalkers in standard.
Artwork- ridiculously awesome (if Arnold looked like that in the terminator movies they would have been terrifying.)

Glissa has really let herself go since the last time we saw her. And she apparently really likes snakes or wurms. Either that or she has grown into a snake/wurm-like thing. I really can't tell. What I do know is that he ability is very good and will be abused and exploited regularly. Her casting cost of GBB seems like a bargain as well considering she has first strike and deathtouch along side her other ability. Overall I think this is a powerful card that will pick up steam as the new Mirrodin block takes over standard.
Artwork- WTF?

The last troll? That just seems silly. Thrun however is not so silly. For 2GG you can have a 4/4 regenerating beast that has "troll" shroud, which is way better than regular shroud. I don't have much to say. It's a very good card.
Artwork-Very good (but they did depict Thrun to be like the troll version of Yoda.)

This card seem RIDICULOUS.
Artwork-pretty cool (what are those creepy dudes doing, and why does the artist just have one name?)

At 3GG casting cost, this card is a bargain! Although the card needs to be used quickly and efficiently to be effective. I think a lot of mono-green infect decks will focus around this card, as well as the green/red and green/black infect decks. Overall it is a nice card for infect to have.
Artwork-laughable. (seriously? that thing does not look scary.)

The last Zenith card. So what is not to like. You pay the mana, search your library and play the creature out of the library for it's casting cost plus 1. And it doesn't even have to be in your hand! That's sick! Overall it is a very powerful card. It will be used, and it will wreck in games. Does the flavor text hint at the future of Mirrodin?
Artwork-Kind of cool. (I have no idea what I am looking at though)

Shatterstorm is back. And green now.
Artwork-lame (seriously? put some more effort into it dude! Pasting green texture over your picture does not make it cool.)
Green and Blue seem to get some seriously lame art more than the rest of the colors. It is odd.
Green suns zenith is a great vintage card. Now I see green painter servant decks. Otherwise it just makes vengevine and last troll decks more annoying.