There are a lot of vampire cards in standard right now that are very good. This is not one of them. The only thing that this card has going for it that sets it apart from many of the vampires in standard is that it flies. The life gain is certainly a cute ability, and worked into the right decks, this could be a cute card. It will just not see any play in standard unless discard becomes a real threat in standard at some point during this block. That seems unlikely.
Artwork-decent. (It's a little dramatic, but the recent vampires have been nice on the eyes.)

Another infect creature in black. A big ass infect creature. It's actually a much safer play than the previous 4cmc infect creature Hand of the Praetors because of it's power and toughness. The drawback on the card seems a little frightening at first but in the right deck this card should smash.
Artwork-kind of shitty. (The first time I saw this creature I thought it was a cow's udder on legs)

Now this is an infect creature. This was a card that was leaked early on as a spoiler, and it did the job because having a creature with Pro red and white
and first strike that has infect seems pretty slick. The power and toughness is pretty much standard knight toughness, so even though it seems a bit weak it really is not that weak of a card. Overall I am pleased with this card because it adds a different dimension to the infect decks that will be made.
Artwork-Cheesy in a good way. (It's a stereotype black knight!)

So I am a big fan of ETB effects. Which by default makes me a fan of this card. The 3BBB casting cost seems a little steep, but when there are cards like Mimic Vat that exist in the same block, it seems like a good reason to look past the 6cmc. The secondary ability is also not too shabby. I think when the Titan class goes out of standard this could be a potential replacement for many grave titans. I wouldn't mind getting a couple of these! Overall I think this is a compelling card that may not see much use, but has some practical value.
Artwork-Kind of silly (I'm sure I will be hearing plenty of penis jokes when this card is on the table.)

Another Zenith. Of all the Zenith cards in the set this is arguably the best, though the green Zenith card can make a good argument as well. This may not have the same power for the casting cost that a wrath of god type of card does, but this deals with creatures that are indestructible, and it shuffles itself into the library as well which I think is an underrated aspect of these sorcery cards. Between the Massacre Wurm and this Zenith card, Black got quite a bit stronger in controlling creatures. Sorry indestructible white knight decks. Overall this is a card that will be seeing some play in decks.
Artwork-Badass (it has a little damnation flavor thrown in the background. nice.)
Overall I think Black had some nice additions. I do admit that I have a bias towards black, so that colors my perceptions of these a little bit.